Sunday, September 26, 2010

Effective Presentations

I think effective presentations are clear, engaging, and simple.  They can be used as cues for presenters and emphasize important concepts for viewers.  They are not meant to contain heavy text for reading because presenters further explain concepts verbally.

In my presentation I tried to use a large font size and font that is relatively easy to see on screen.   I chose a set of contrasting colours throughout my presentation in order to create consistency.  For my text, I tried to be simple in my statements.  This was a challenge for me because I tend to include too much information in presentations.  The images I included hopefully contribute positively, although I would have liked to spend more time searching for more exciting, useful graphics and experiment with different compositions for each slide.  I tried to organize my content in a consistent way for clarity.  In the future, however, I would like to experiment with more engaging arrangements.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Reflection on Blogging and Education

Technology is a significant part of today’s society.  As it continues to evolve, people have to grow and learn to adapt. These days it is normal for people to interact with technology on a daily basis.  Computers for example, are relatively easy for anyone to access.  As a result, the way people learn and teach is changing.  Blogs are one way to make the teaching and learning experience interesting.

I think under the right context Blogs can be an effective tool for teachers.  Blogs can be used to share and document updated information to students for reference.  It is also a great way for teachers to share lessons or ideas with their colleagues.  When a teacher uses a Blog to discuss current concepts being taught in the classrooms, parents or guardians are able to read and see what their child is learning in school.  In this case, I think Blogs are a great way to encourage parents or guardians to be involved in their child’s learning experience.
For students, Blogs can be used as a portfolio or online journal.  Digital portfolios may be an interesting way for students to display their skills and knowledge of a certain subject.  A Blog may also be a way to motivate students to creatively express themselves.  Depending on the subject and students’ age, Blogs can be an interesting and engaging way to help students learn concepts and demonstrate to the teacher that they actually understand.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Hello!  My name is Dafne and I am a student at the University of Lethbridge.  I am currently in my first year of the Education After-Degree Program.  This past summer I completed the Fine Arts (New Media) Program at the university.  While I hope to teach New Media/Communication Technology or Art at the high school level, I am excited to learn how to successfully develop and teach any sort of lesson to any age group.  

Since I was young, I have always been interested in the process one goes through to create something.  I like to make things and I find it interesting to learn how ideas, objects, events, etc. are developed and assembled a certain way.  I think teachers have a difficult but rewarding job that involves a great deal of planning and preparation in order to successfully teach students.  I am interested in learning what goes on 'behind-the-scenes' for teachers and I look forward to sharing my joy of learning with others.