Sunday, September 26, 2010

Effective Presentations

I think effective presentations are clear, engaging, and simple.  They can be used as cues for presenters and emphasize important concepts for viewers.  They are not meant to contain heavy text for reading because presenters further explain concepts verbally.

In my presentation I tried to use a large font size and font that is relatively easy to see on screen.   I chose a set of contrasting colours throughout my presentation in order to create consistency.  For my text, I tried to be simple in my statements.  This was a challenge for me because I tend to include too much information in presentations.  The images I included hopefully contribute positively, although I would have liked to spend more time searching for more exciting, useful graphics and experiment with different compositions for each slide.  I tried to organize my content in a consistent way for clarity.  In the future, however, I would like to experiment with more engaging arrangements.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the layout you chose for your powerpoint - it looks professional, clean and is easy to follow. Since you are probably still working on your 'Search the Internet' assignment, I will suggest that you could perhaps create a powerpoint for your class and include links within it for your online resources. You also mentioned using a large font - if you are teaching K-6 a large font is a very good idea because it will be easier for this age group to read.
