Grade Level: 4
Subject: Mathematics
GLO: Develop number sense.
SLO: Demonstrate an understanding of division (1-digit divisor and up to 2-digit dividend).
ICT Outcomes:
- C.4: Students will use organizational processes and tools to manage inquiry.
- F.6: Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies.
- Students will go to the website
- Each student will work individually on the self-correcting “Fives” quiz. Upon completion, each student must print out his or her quiz. Using personal strategies, students will correct each question they got wrong.
- Students who complete the quiz activity early or finish with a perfect score can individually log into the "Manga High" website and play the "BIDMAS Blaster” game or “Ice Ice Maybe” game.
Rationale for Computer Integration:
Writing quizzes on the computers will allow students to see their marks instantly. They can save their results on the computer, send it to the teacher, or print it out. This can be an efficient way for teachers to monitor student progress. It also gives students some responsibility for keeping track of their progress.
Online computer games can also be a fun way to engage students in learning concepts or practicing specific skills.
Blue Duck Education Ltd. (2010). Manga High. Retrieved Oct. 9, 2010, from
Krimsten Publishing. (2009). Division Quizzes. Retrieved Oct. 9, 2010, from
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